Sources of support

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Sources of support

Published: 28.11.2024 / Updated: 10.12.2024
Are you looking for help, support or advice? The SHRI’s legal mandate means we can’t give support in individual cases (see Article 10a-c of the Federal Act of 19 December 2003 on Measures pertaining to Civilian Peacebuilding and the Promotion of Human Rights). However, we can provide information about where you can go for advice and assistance.

Sources of support from runs two specialist services providing advice and support.

Advice service for people affected by imprisonment (in German or French)

Advice network for people affected by racism (in German, French or Italian)

In addition, has compiled a list of sources of advice and support. This includes free legal advice and a range of other advice services, as well as contact points and shelters for people in crisis situations. The links are grouped by human rights topic. – links to advice and support (in German or French)


The website of the Association of Parliamentary Ombudspersons (Vereinigung der Parlamentarischen Ombudspersonen) provides an overview of ombudspersons in Switzerland, organised by canton. Ombuds offices and ombudspersons are independent bodies which accept individual complaints from private citizens. There are two kinds of ombud service – parliamentary and private sector ombudspersons. Parliamentary ombuds offices investigate complaints about public sector services while private sector ombuds cover complaints about private sector organisations.

Association of Parliamentary Ombudspersons – links to ombuds services (in German, French or Italian)

Find a lawyer

The association Swiss Democratic Lawyers has a searchable directory of lawyers.

Swiss Democratic Lawyers – Directory of lawyers (in German)

Legal assistance from Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER)

HEKS provides a list of services for asylum seekers, people in pre-deportation detention and people affected by racism and discrimination.

HEKS legal assistance – racism and discrimination