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Become a member

Who can become a member?
According to Articles 6 and 7 of the SHRI Articles, “Individuals and legal entities who engage in work to protect and promote human rights and endorse the objective set out in Article 2 may become members”. Individuals or legal entities wishing to join the SHRI must submit a written application, upon which the General Assembly votes on admission.
After formal verification and based on the recommendations of the Committee, applications are put to the vote at the annual General Assembly.
Being a member of the SHRI does not constitute certification of respect for human rights. Joining the SHRI simply attests to a commitment to the topic and/or knowledge of the field.
How to become a member?
Complete the application for membership below, indicating whether you wish to join the SMRI as a natural or legal person. Briefly explain your connection (or that of your organization) to the protection and promotion of human rights. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to
The SHRI Committee will examine your application. You will receive a confirmation email if it has been approved. As an applicant member, you will receive the same updates as current members about SHRI activities, an invitation to the General Assembly, etc.
The Committee will submit your application to the next General Assembly (usually held in May). It will be put to the vote of the members. If you are unable to attend the General Assembly, we will let you know the outcome of the vote shortly afterwards.
To remain a member, you must pay your membership fee every year (see rates below). Membership fees must be paid before the next General Assembly.
Annual membership fee
The annual membership fee is CHF 100 for individuals and CHF 250 for legal entities.
You will receive an invoice by email a few weeks after each General Assembly.
Application form
Other membership FAQs
What are the advantages of being a member of the SHRI?
As a member, you play an active role in the development of the SHRI. You can vote at the General Assembly on the Institution’s general strategic directions. You receive regular updates about its activities. You also have access to a vast national network of human rights actors in Switzerland.
The SHRI sees its members as both a network and a resource: a diverse make-up is synonymous with a strong foundation within society. That is why its members are very important to the SHRI. It listens to them and, whenever possible, responds to their concerns and suggestions.
How many members does the SHRI currently have?
The SHRI has 177 members as of 2024: 112 individuals and 65 legal entities.
I’ve submitted my application to become a member of the SHRI. What happens next?
The SHRI Committee examines applications four times a year. At the respective time, you will receive a confirmation email if your application has been approved and recommended by the Committee. As an applicant member, you will receive the same updates as current members about SHRI activities, an invitation to the General Assembly, etc.
The Committee will submit your application to the next General Assembly (usually held in May). It will be put to the vote of the members.
If you are unable to attend the General Assembly, we will let you know the outcome of the vote shortly afterwards. At the same time, you will receive the invoice to pay your membership fee.
I’m involved in defending a particular category of the population/a specific right. Can I still become a member?
All individuals and organisations, businesses, associations, etc. that work to defend and promote human rights in Switzerland are eligible. This commitment may concern general human rights or specific human rights (such as those relating to migration, gender equality, etc.).
A commitment to a part of the population is not a problem in any way. However, the SHRI requires its members to share the conviction that human rights are universal in their scope and that all human beings have the same rights.
Is being a member proof of exemplarity in the field of human rights?
No. The SHRI does not certify that its members fully respect human rights or act in an exemplary manner. Likewise, the SHRI does not necessarily share the positions of all its members. Being a member simply means that individuals or organisations have an interest in, commitment to and/or specific knowledge of human rights in Switzerland.
Does being a member authorise me to express myself on behalf of the SHRI?
No. Only certain members of the Secretariat and of the Committee are empowered to speak on behalf of the SHRI, including on social media. The positions of members do not necessarily reflect those of the SHRI.
However, members are encouraged to relay the messages of the SHRI, especially those shared via the newsletter or the website.
What is the money from my membership fee used for?
The money received from membership fees is not allocated to a specific purpose. Through their membership fees, members support the mission of the SHRI, that of helping to protect and promote human rights in Switzerland.
If my application is refused, can I appeal against the decision of the General Assembly?
The SHRI Articles do not provide for appeals against the decisions of the General Assembly. However, the SHRI has shown flexibility in the interpretation of the admission criteria for its members. So far, the vast majority of membership applications has been accepted.
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