Information portal

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Information portal

Published: 13.02.2024 / Updated: 27.03.2025
One of the tasks of the SHRI is to provide information on the state of human rights in Switzerland, particularly regarding the country's compliance with its international obligations in this area. In March 2025, it launched a comprehensive information platform on this topic.

Since 27 March 2025, the SHRI website has been expanded with a second section, accessible via the purple tab titled Information portal on human rights, located above the main menu. The institutional part of the website (green tab “Swiss Human Rights Institution”) – where you currently are – remains dedicated to information about the SHRI’s mandate and activities.

What can you find on the information portal?

The information portal is intended as a space for democratic knowledge, where both experts and non-experts can find answers to their questions about the state of human rights in Switzerland.

The pages Human Rights at a glance offer a comprehensive overview of international treaties and institutions relating to human rights. They also define all human rights protected at the international level. The page Human rights in Switzerland explains how these rights are protected within the federal system and the Constitution.

The Themes pages briefly explain the key human rights issues in Switzerland, such as social rights, the rights of persons with disabilities, and children's rights. Each topic is accompanied by a complete list of relevant texts, institutions, and decisions.

The pages UN reporting procedures and Council of Europe reporting procedures present all the international and European reporting mechanisms in which Switzerland participates. Each procedure is described in detail, and for the first time, all recommendations addressed to Switzerland are gathered in one place. Stakeholders involved in these procedures, both from the authorities and civil society, will find all key dates for the reporting cycles.

The result of collaboration

Before the SHRI was established in 2023, the non-governmental organisation managed a similar information portal for many years, thereby fulfilling a crucial informational role. The new portal launched today draws heavily on the work carried out before 2023 and was developed in close cooperation with The SHRI sincerely thanks them for their support.

We wish you an excellent visit!





